2006-07-15 Griffin Jesse-Revolutionary Love
Revolutionary love is what our great Lord and Teacher displayed to all peoples at all times in all circumstances. Revolutionary love is not passive; else it would not be termed revolutionary. Revolutionary love changes actions, attitudes, beliefs, the whole of the person. Revolutionary love is not the presence of grace and the absence of law; it is the precise fusion of both. Revolutionary love is not based on 21st century cheap love but on the steadfast covenant love that Yahweh has shown Israel. Revolutionary love does not submit itself to selfish desires but weighs all things in light of eternal worth. Revolutionary love is not a catchphrase but an action verb. Revolutionary love is the complete fulfillment of all things good and pure. The Christian is the only entity which has the power to stop revolutionary love. Revolutionary love is the absolute submission of self to Christ and is not possible otherwise. Revolutionary love is a lofty concept, but it is nonetheless what the true Christian is called to display to all peoples at all times in all circumstances.