2020-09-02 Describing Church from Scripture
The following passages each say something that describes church:
- 2 Peter 1#1:16-21 and 2 Timothy 3#3:16-18 :: The Bible is the foundation of our faith and practice. Private experience is secondary and subject to the Bible.
- James 5#5:13-16 :: Suffering, prayer, praise, sickness, confessing sin
- Matthew 28#28:18-20 :: Make disciples of all peoples, baptize, teach the Bible, by power of Holy Spirit
- Acts 2#2:38-47 :: Evangelize, Repent, believe, be baptized, receive the Holy Spirit, study Bible, spend time together, eat together (Communion), prayer. Hold all things in common, give to the needy, daily meet in public and in homes with joy, praising God.
- Matthew 26#26:26-29, 1 Corinthians 11#11:23-34 :: Pattern and principles for Communion
- 1 Corinthians 14#14:26-40, Colossians 3#3:16 :: Orderly and participatory worship service, including: hymns, lessons, revelations, tongues and their interpretation all for mutual edification. Prophecies are to be weighed by others. Women at church and home
- 1 Corinthians 16#16:1-4 :: Giving to other churches, save money each week so that you are ready to give.
- Acts 14#14:21-23 & 1 Timothy 3#3:1-13 :: Standards for elders and deacons.
- 1 Timothy 4#4:13 :: Services to include reading the Bible, exhorting, teaching.
- Hebrews 10#10:19-25 :: Draw near with faith, hold fast our confession, encourage one another to love and do good, meet regularly together.
- Romans 6#6:1-11 :: Baptism
- Acts 8#8:35-38 :: Baptism, in the context of a god-fearer accepting the Messiah
- 1 Peter 3#3:21 :: baptism corresponds to flood narrative
- Acts 13#13:1-3 and 1 Peter 2#2:9-10 :: Missions
- Colossians 3 and Galatians 3#3:23 :: new life in Christ and body composition
- Colossians 3#3:16 :: teaching, admonishing, signing (psalms, hymns, spiritual songs), thankfulness
- Ephesians 4#4:11-16 :: saints do ministry
- Ephesians 5:18 :: be filled with the spirit
- Ephesians 5:19 :: speak to one another with psalms, hymns, spiritual songs
- Ephesians 5:20 :: giving thanks
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