- The art of biblical narrative
Robert Alter |
alterArtBiblicalNarrative2006 |
#Own |
Neil T. Anderson |
andersonBondageBreaker2019 |
- Victory over the darkness
Neil T. Anderson |
andersonVictoryDarkness2000 |
augustineConfessions400 |
#_tablet |
G. K Beale |
bealeGodDwellsUs2014 |
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Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
bonhoefferLifeTogether2005 |
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G. K Chesterton |
chestertonOrthodoxy2015 |
James Clear |
clearAtomicHabitsEasy2018 |
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- The 7 habits of highly effective people
Stephen R. Covey |
coveyHabitsHighlyEffective2004 |
Daniel Coyle |
coyleCultureCodeSecrets2018 |
Larry Crabb |
crabbUnderstandingPeopleDeep1987 |
- How to read the Bible for all its worth
feeHowReadBible2003 |
Gordon D. Fee |
feeNewTestamentExegesis2002 |
Atul Gawande |
gawandeChecklistManifestoHow2010 |
hauerwasResidentAliensLife1989 |
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- A survey of the Old Testament
hillSurveyOldTestament2006 |
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Daniel Kahneman |
kahnemanThinkingFastSlow2013 |
Timothy Keller |
kellerReasonGodBelief2008 |
lewisMereChristianity2009 |
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mcchrystalTeamTeamsNew2015 |
metaxasBonhoefferPastorMartyr2010 |
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- Faith seeking understanding
Daniel L. Migliore |
miglioreFaithSeekingUnderstanding2004 |
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- The normal christian life
Watchman Nee |
neeNormalChristianLife2000 |
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- Not the way it's supposed to be
Cornelius Plantinga |
plantingaNotWayIt1999 |
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John R. W Stott |
stottBasicChristianity2007 |
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Douglas K Stuart |
stuartOldTestamentExegesis2009 |
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Gary Thomas |
thomasSacredMarriageWhat2002 |
#Own |
warnerRareLeadershipUncommon2016 |
- The courage to be Protestant
David F. Wells |
wellsCourageBeProtestant2008 |
- No place for truth, or, Whatever happened to evangelical theology?
David F Wells |
wellsNoPlaceTruth1994 |
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